Frequently Asked Auto News & Tips
Here’s where we tell you our secrets for keeping your car running smoothly.
If you have a question about cars, email us.
What to do when your check engine light comes on
Don't Panic! If your vehicle is 1996 or newer, you can give us a call and we can give you a time to swing by so we can perform a quick check of what code(s) are stored and clear the codes if necessary. There are thousands of reasons a check engine light can come on so...
Storing Your Vehicle
Many times over the years, we at Japanese Auto Service are asked what steps should be taken to properly store a vehicle for a long period of time. Just within the last week I have been asked twice so I have decided to write the proper steps for storing a vehicle and...
Hints for Winterizing Your Vehicle
Winter comes fast in the Rockies. One day, it's 85 degrees; the next day, we're having a blizzard! Make sure your car is ready for winter and bring it in to Japanese Auto Service. Winter inspections include: computerized battery test coolant test / freeze protection...